The Road Ahead

With one of the biggest days of the tax year now swiftly becoming but a memory, we want to encourage you to keep an eye on the prize. July 15th is the new April 15th which just means that we have only three months to file most of the client base.

Your extensions are filed. Avoid unconscionable penalties the IRS will levy by helping us punctually file your returns. Extensions only extend your time to file.

NOT to pay. With this in mind, we direct your attention to the upcoming IRS deadlines:

AUGUST 15TH: Filing deadline for exempt organizations on extensions.

SEPTEMBER 15TH: Filing deadline for corporations, partnerships, and estates & trusts on extensions.

OCTOBER 15TH: Filing deadline for individuals on extensions.

Our team is ready to help, so give us a call.

We would like to thank you most sincerely for your business over the years. We look forward to your continued service.


What Does Biden Mean For Your Taxes?


You’re All A Great Disappointment